Physical Therapy Huntington NY

Welcome To Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy Huntington NY

Welcome to Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy Huntington NY, where your recovery is our top priority. We have locations all over Long Island for your convenience. Contact our team today to learn how we can help you! We pride ourselves on same-day appointments, with affordability, availability, and reachability. We offer a comprehensive range of orthopedic physical therapy and rehabilitation services. our physical therapists are highly trained, skilled professionals. our PTs specialize in ortho, neuro, manual, geriatric therapies. we manage all phases of your recovery from soft tissue injury to fractures to surgeries and all therapy-related needs. Don’t wait! Get the help you need!

What Are 3 Exercises For The Glutes?

Your glutes are divided into three different muscles. The first muscle is the gluteus maximus. This is the largest glute muscle that creates the shape of your butt. This muscle is also crucial for jumping, running, climbing, standing, etc. The second muscle is the gluteus medius which is located between the gluteus maximus and the gluteus minimus. The job of this muscle is to help with the rotation of your leg and the stabilization of your pelvis. The last muscle your glutes are made up of is the gluteus minimus. This is the smallest and deepest muscle out of the other glute muscles. This muscle is important because it helps rotate your lower limbs and keeps the pelvis stable as we move. Contact Within Normal Limits physical therapy huntington ny for more information on how we can help you!physical therapy huntington ny

It is important to do glute exercises to strengthen the muscles. We use these muscles every day for various things. Without them, we would not be able to move. Since we use our glute muscles for walking, standing, climbing stairs, and many other daily activities, we are weakening our glute muscles every time we are not using them and sitting. To strengthen our glute muscles, it is important to exercise. You can also do squats but squats only target the gluteus maximus. To strengthen all three glute muscles do the exercises listed below.

Exercises To Strengthen Your Glutes:

  • Hip thrust 
  • Lateral banded walks
  • Curtsy lunge 

Now that within normal limits physical therapy huntington ny said what exercises you should do, it is important to do them correctly. To correctly do a hip thrust lay flat on the ground with your arms at your sides, knees bent, and feet tucked in. Force your heels against the floor while moving your hips forward. To correctly do lateral banded walks, push your butt backward and bend your knees in a squat position, then keep your back straight and engage your core while moving one foot about 10 inches over and bringing the other foot towards it. Repeat for each foot. To correctly make the curtsy lunge stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and with a straight back, bring your left leg behind and to the outside of your right foot, then drop your hips through your glutes until your left leg is almost parallel with the floor. Repeat with each leg. 

Contact Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy Huntington NY

Your glutes are divided into three different muscles. This muscle is important because it helps rotate your lower limbs and keeps the pelvis stable as we move. Contact Within Normal Limits physical therapy huntington ny for more information on how we can help you!

Request An Appointment At Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy Huntington NY

How Do I Know If My Pelvic Floor Is Weak Or Tight?

Are you questioning if your pelvic floor is weak or tight? Within Normal Limits, Physical Therapy provides outstanding physical therapy huntington ny and can answer your questions regarding your pelvic floor. Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy provides a full variety of orthopedic physical therapy and rehabilitation services. Our physical therapists are professionals with substantial training and experience. Our physical therapists specialize in orthotic, neurologic, manual, and geriatric therapy. We handle every aspect of your recovery, from soft tissue injuries to fractures to surgeries and other therapy-related needs.

What Is A Pelvic Floor?

physical therapy huntington nyThe pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, bowel, and uterus. They help avoid bladder and bowel incontinence. Because your pelvic floor muscles are too weak or slow to operate correctly for you, you may experience problems with your bladder or bowel.

How To Know If Your Pelvic Floor Is Weak Or Tight

Pregnancy, delivery, prostate cancer therapy, obesity, and chronic constipation can all damage the pelvic floor. 

Signs Of Pelvic Floor Issues:

  • passing wind unintentionally
  • leaking urine unintentionally when you move, laugh, cough, or sneeze
  • not being able to get to the bathroom promptly
  • having trouble emptying your bladder or bowels
  • lower back pain

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises are intended to increase muscle strength in the pelvic floor. If your pelvic floor muscles are overworked or hyperactive, you may experience issues. Strong muscles are also flexible. Women who have never had children, women who have difficult periods or endometriosis, and men who have pelvic pain or a chronic prostate can all be affected. To exercise your pelvic muscles, sit comfortably and squeeze your pelvic floor muscles 10 to 15 times to strengthen them. Begin by holding each muscle and squeeze for a few seconds. Also, you can gradually increase the number of squeezes each week, but be careful not to overdo it and take a break between sets. You should start to see benefits after a few months. Even if you feel that the exercises are starting to work, you should continue to practice them.

Contact Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy Huntington NY

If you have any concerns regarding your pelvic floor, don’t hesitate to contact us. Within Normal Limits provides physical therapy huntington ny. Please take a visit to our website and request an appointment today!

Torn Piriformis Muscle Recovery Time

Piriformis syndrome is an uncommon neuromuscular condition when the piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve. This piriformis muscle is located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. Treating this condition is very important because the lower body muscles play a role in stabilizing the hip joint and lifting and rotating the thigh away from the body. This is all very important when walking and moving your body overall. At Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy, you can find physical therapy huntington NY, for your torn piriformis muscle, and look forward to a faster recovery. 

Potential Cause

A tear can occur from any spasm or tightening from the piriformis muscle that puts excessive pressure on your nerve and can cause it to tear. This usually occurs from running, hiking, climbing tall things, or even sitting on hard surfaces.


The common symptoms of a torn piriformis muscle include deep pain, tingling, or numbness in the buttocks. This pain usually travels across your lower thigh. You may experience more pain if you cross your legs sitting down or turn your thigh outward.

Treatment At Physical Therapy Huntington NY

If your pain and discomfort have become intolerable, you should rest your body, ice, and heat the affected area to relieve symptoms. You can also take non-prescribed medicine that can hold off the pain while you wait for the day you get to visit a specialist to find you a permanent solution. Our physical therapy huntington NY can contain various exercises and stretches that will help treat your case. 

Recovery Time

The recovery time for a torn piriformis muscle is usually a few weeks for a mild injury but can take six weeks or longer for severe injuries. Some cases may be too advanced and severe to require surgery and take a longer recovery time. 

Visit Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy Huntington NY

Have a torn piriformis muscle and want to speed up your recovery time? Look into physical therapy huntington NY, at Within Normal Limits PT because our therapists will work diligently with you. To find the best possible treatment for you! Contact us or visit our website to schedule an appointment!

How Does Shoulder Pain Go Away?

For the most part, your shoulders are pretty ignorable until you feel pain in them. Shoulder pain is pretty common but a nuisance nonetheless. Frequently, there isn’t a straightforward remedy for shoulder pain, unlike other conditions. This makes shoulder pain even more of an annoyance. However, there are remedies to help it go away. Physical therapy is an effective way to treat shoulder conditions that cause pain. If you’re looking for physical therapy huntington NY, Within Limits Physical Therapy has a team well-equipped to treat your pain and help you feel comfortable again.

Causes of Shoulder PainPhysical therapy huntington NY

There are plenty of different causes behind your shoulder pain. Some causes are more extensive than others and may require additional attention outside of physical therapy. Some causes of shoulder pain include:

  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Labrum tears
  • Sprains
  • Fractures/tears
  • Surgery
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis

Regardless of the cause, Within Limits Physical Therapy can help you recover from the pain and increase your quality of life. However, check in with your healthcare provider to see if the cause may require more invasive treatment. If physical therapy is the recommended course of action, we offer fantastic treatment for those looking for physical therapy huntington NY.

How Does Shoulder Pain Go Away?

Physical therapy is an effective way to treat shoulder pain. Requesting an appointment with us can help you figure out a proper plan to manage the pain. However, you can also try a few things to ease the pain. Here are a few ways you can ease shoulder pain on your own:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Mild stretches
  • Resting your shoulder
  • Applying ice to the area briefly
  • Salt bath

In addition to these, there are many different types of stretches you can do to help with shoulder pain. See here for information about the stretches you can do and how to do them.

Contact Within Limits Physical Therapy Huntington NY!

Shoulder pain can disturb your daily life as, often, your mobility is affected. Fortunately, physical therapy can help with shoulder pain stemming from multiple causes. There’s no need to hesitate to book an appointment. If you have shoulder pain and are looking for physical therapy huntington NY, Within Limits Physical Therapy has a comprehensive range of services to help you feel good again.

Visit Within Limits Physical Therapy Huntington NY!