How Long Does It Take a Sprained Finger to Heal?

How Long Does It Take a Sprained Finger to Heal?


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Sprains are a common injury that can occur in any joint in the body. Specifically, sprains occur when ligaments are torn or stretched. Ligaments are the bands of tissue that connect joints. Anyone can sprain their finger relatively easily, but thankfully our team at Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy can treat finger injuries sprains and sprained knuckle with physical therapy in Islandia NY.physical therapy in islandia ny

Causes of a Sprained Finger

Fingers can sprain due to physical impact, such as a blow to the end of the finger. A blow can reverberate up to the joint of the finger and cause it to hyperextend, causing the ligaments to stretch or tear. Physical activities, like sports, are a common cause of sprained fingers. Especially sports that involve throwing a ball, like basketball or baseball. You can prevent a finger sprain by strengthening the muscles around the joint, reduce swelling and wearing protective gear during sports.

How to Diagnose a Sprained Finger

A mild finger sprain doesn’t need immediate medical attention. Try home treatment, but if mobility hasn’t improved after three or four days, make an appointment for physical therapy in Islandia NY. More intense sprains may require medical attention. Our specialist can inspect the joint and evaluate its function and mobility. Our doctor can also order x-rays to check for fractures and determine the severity of the damage.

How To Treat a Sprained Finger

Home treatment for a sprained finger includes the RICE method. The RICE method consists of resting, icing, applying compression, and elevating the finger for about 20 minutes at a time. In addition to the RICE method, you can take over-the-counter pain medication to reduce pain and swelling. If your sprain is more severe, our doctor can immobilize the finger with a splint during physical therapy in Islandia NY. After a mild sprain, you should be able to have full use of the finger again after three to six weeks. 

Contact Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy Islandia NY

Sprains can set you back but are fortunately treatable with home treatments and physical therapy in Islandia NY. If you jam your finger joints and the RICE method and over-the-counter pain relievers aren’t sufficient, visit Within Normal Limits Physical Therapy. Contact our team for an appointment so our physical therapist can address your long term sprain.


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